Birthing Center
At SageWest Health Care, we believe that childbirth is a family experience. We make accommodations to be sure the friends and family you'd like to be there can share in the experience.
Our birthing unit provides expectant families with unique accommodations including spacious, state of the art labor/delivery/recovery rooms combined with beautifully decorated furnishings.
Remember that labor can be very overwhelming and emotional, and to provide the safest delivery it is best to limit visitors to only those there to provide support.
The Women's Health Unit permits 24-hour visitation for your primary support people. Your new baby's siblings may visit with an adult. Anyone sick or recently exposed (within the past three weeks) to an infectious disease (such as chicken pox) should not visit the Women’s Health Unit.
Labor and Delivery Room
Visitors might be asked to leave temporarily if you'd prefer them not to be present or if they need to provide care. At SageWest, we enhance your labor and delivery experience with state-of-the-art warmers and medical equipment for newborn safety. Our specialty-trained nurses and Level I nursery ensure high-quality care. We offer aromatherapy, calming environments, and position equipment for pain relief, along with ongoing education and updates on the labor process.
After Your Baby is Born
You will need some time to physically and emotionally recover from labor and delivery. Following your baby's birth, you will be able to be together to bond and get to know each other. We encourage rooming-in and immediate skin-to-skin contact after birth to foster bonding between mother and baby. The baby should remain on the mother's chest until further assessments are necessary or if the mother chooses otherwise. After your doctor completes your care following delivery and your baby has been examined and foot printed (for security purposes), your support person will be able to hold your baby. You may stay for an hour or two in the labor and delivery room, your nurse will check on you during your recovery. Then you will be transferred to a postpartum room where your family and friends can visit with you.
Our postpartum rooms are private, allowing your baby to room-in for testing and enhancing recovery and bonding. From admission through postpartum, we provide education and materials to ensure you’re well-prepared for going home. Our private birthing suites feature centralized fetal monitoring, newborn warmers, and sleeping options for family support. A waiting room is available in the Women's Unit for family and guests who cannot be in the patient's room.
Tour the Birthing Center
Experience our birthing center at SageWest Lander by taking a tour. To schedule a tour, please call our Women's Health Unit at 307-335-6397.
Incoming Calls
For your convenience, there are phones in all of our patient rooms. Our staff will get messages to you, however to protect your confidentiality we will not give out information regarding you or your baby.
Outgoing Calls
To make outgoing calls, dial 9 for an outside line. Regional and long distance calls require a calling card or operator assistance. Remember, please place your cell phones in either a vibrate or off mode to provide peace and quiet for our sleeping moms and babies.